Monday, 23 September 2013

Open Project

Open Project

Now, the project is open for join, everyone can send me an email trough Codepelex' site "Source Repository".
I'm looking for someone help me to continue the developing or make graphics, idea etc.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Room wall algorithm

Room wall algorithm

The original PoP have an algorithmn for determine the wall variance, for draw a realistic stone wall, it adds gray block, creak in the blocks etc.

I found some documentation in "Prince of Persia Specifications of File Formats" (thanks to Norbert) but there's not the all logic but only the first part.

I have started to study and implement the gray stone and the first start wall block,
this is the results from vs PoP classic

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Splash News

Splash News

I spent some time for do change the Monogame assembly from OpenGL to Direct X 9, i have linked the new Monogame prerelease 3.2 and changed from OPENTK library to SHARPDX library.

In this passage lost the Windows XP compatibility but the OPENTK are some buggy like framerate and some content importer lacks, now is compatible only with
  • Windows Vista  Sp1 or greater
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
Resfresh source repository and codeplex downloads

New features:
  • the SPLASH sequence, whem kid or enemy hit the splash image show and play the sound effect

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Summer is finish


The summer is near to end, the autumn will coming, i'm ready to continue develop the

Last News...
I'm stopping the editor because Norbert (prince of persia forum admin and developer) will introduce new features on his Apoplexy (a Prince of Persia Level Editor), he will develop an XML save format and i want USE his good editor for use with