Friday, 28 December 2012

Climb Down

Climb Down

I finally finished the climbdown sequence, I had to introduce a new command to see if kid has to hang or swing on the way down from the platform.

if true parse the first parameter else the second



Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Next Step

Next Step

The next step is complete all kid movement (not combat) animations, now i'm working on ClimbDown sequence and Jump and hang movement.

I tried to look at the C source code of Apoplex (an PoP level editor), to see if I could implement saving as xml, but I found some problems in recompile the source code..

When I am sure that the format of I created meets the requirements to implement all the features of saving the original PoP, most likely will contact the author of Apoplex to ask him if he has time to implement my save level format.

Next days i will release a new alpha with some new rooms and a complete Kid movement animations.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Kid exploring

Kid exploring

Finally Kid can explore three rooms..and move all around maze!

Try it!

Only three rooms because i will edit the first dungeon level....

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Blueprint and Maze file format

Blueprint and Maze file format

The original PoP use a specific file format for save/load the dungeon rooms, it's a format made for the original MAC II version.

Some Pop fans have created some visual editor for modify the orginal PoP levels in their original "blueprint" format. (apoplex and other..)

I wish to ask if any of their authors who want to create the ability to save in xml format or ask the original source for make an extra save type.

Yes i will use a simple XML format for build the maze by class reflection, like this.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Level xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">


This open format can be simple edited by hand for build own dungeon.

Now i'm working on this file format for give to kid ability to move through the rooms...

Thursday, 6 December 2012



Some animated flames....

I have add some functionality :

-> animated tiles
-> xml file definition for animation sequence like kid sequence

Now it works but i will rewrite some routines for do a clean code...


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ArrayOfSequence xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <!-- NORMAL TORCH -->


Tuesday, 4 December 2012



For launch and install Prince Of you must install this :

1) Install Microsoft Framework 4.0 or major version from Microsoft site:

Download Microsoft Framework 4.0

2) Donwload and unzip and install the OpenAll for windows at :

Download OpenAll 

3) There are two kind of setup, choose one from above:

 > The first is the simple stand alone classic setup msi, this don't have the update system

> The second is the auto update ClickOnce setup


The new repository for source code is:


User manual and instruction how to play at