Monday, 8 April 2013

Guard is moving!

Guard is moving!

Finally i found time to write the guard movement and ready/engarde routine, when kid is on the same guard's row, the guard change from STAND to READY sequence and call STEPFORWARD for move the guard in Kid's direction.

On the original MACII source i didn't found the guard walking sequences i have grab frame by frame from pc dos version and another little strange is the gardengarde mac sequence, it call the "ready" and jump the engarde, why? i think because the "engarde" sequence can be called from kid and guard sprite...or not?

* g u a r d e n g a r d e
 db goto
 dw ready
* e n  g a r d e
 db act,1
 db chx,2
 db 207
 db 208,chx,2
 db 209,chx,2
 db 210,chx,3
 db act,1
 db tap,0
 db 158
 db 170
:loop db 171
 db goto
 dw :loop

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