Monday, 29 October 2012

Study Free Prince

Study Free Prince

Free Prince was a project for convert Pop in unix/windows it's stop some years ago 2 ?
I'm study this c++ project for found some inspiration how to continue the developing.

 In Free Prince i found this usefull Kid schema :

Friday, 26 October 2012

Perspective isometric

Perspective isometric

The isometric system of POP is shifted to 26 pixel right on the x and 18 pixel up for the y, for the screen resolution 640x400.

The trick is draw the sprites with this isometric x/y shift but the collision, movement and other routine calculate   all without isometric shift.

Saturday, 20 October 2012



Finally i understood how to implement and continue in fast developing POP, but i need to rewrite and rebuild the program structure... (especially for the coordinate and position system..) why ? simple i started from an example of platform game in Microsoft XNA and isnt compatible with POP engine.

KID action/movement are based of an XML file KID_sequence.xml, the structure is

<sequence name><frames><frame></frames></sequence>

There are two types of FRAME : sprite and command

Sprite are definition of single frame : sprite name, texture name, stoppable bool, sound, x pixel movement, y pixel movement
Command there are two types: GOTOFRAME and GOTOSEQUECE are looping command for looping animation (run etcc)

POP structure

class PRINCEOFPERSIA -> main class load content resource
class LEVEL
class ROOM
class TILE

class FRAME

interface iCharacther
class PLAYER

class SEQUENCEANIMATION -> draw on screen sprites based on sequences wrote in the xml

The focus is how to manage the collision and position of KID in the room, for this i will write a new class called POSITION,
In the previous the coordinate are saved in a Vector2 with help with another Vector2 origin (x y sizeof sprite focus on bottom center of this) and a Rectangle structure for save the size of
the bounding of the sprite kid. ..... too complex to manage....

The class POSITION will manage the real screen and the draw position of KID in the screen and its bounding rectangle for collision detect.

XNA consider the x=0,y=0 the upper  left corner of the screen and when draw a texture (in default parameters) taking the left upper corner of this. The Position class translate this coordinate system based on the bottom center of kid texture.
Kid on x=0,y=100 the sprite will be on the left screen with feet on x=0, half sprite on screen. Other purpose of the class is consider the real screen, POP have 640x400 resolution but the last 20 pixel are reserved for enegy bar and messages, the class position manage the sprites on 640x380 (the room size).

In next post i will post the class diagram of POP

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

New idea and future planning...

New idea and future planning...

I wish can be customizable in sprites, background, level and rooms..
I wish can be read the original DAT blueprint file, there are lot of custom level  made it by fan of the original POP
I wish can be customizable animation...
I wish can be a 2D platform construction game...
I wish can be an android game...

I will write a letter to Santa Claus..

Monday, 15 October 2012

Climb Up & Setup

Climb Up & Setup

Now i'm developing the "Climb Up" routine the animation is done, now i can think how to climb the floor.

Setup "have some problems...please patient i will fix it, in some days..."

(updated 2012/12/03) For anyone would  install it and have everytime updated, use this link

Thursday, 11 October 2012

New features and release

New features and release

Now kid can step and jump in the screen, download the alpha version from previous post..

SHIFT + Left or Righe -> step forward
UP = Jump
DOWN + Left or Right -> for crouch

I had little trouble to understand the "Step Forward" movement, the orignal PC version use a various step lenght, when KID is near the left wall use the step of 52 pixel and normally use a step of 50px, the orignal program use some different step lenght..

For now i have used only the 52px movement.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Repository sources

Repository Source

(updated 2012/12/03) The repository of source code is now public is on

If anyone want help me for collaborate in this project please contact.. i will refresh the project every week stay tuned.....

Friday, 5 October 2012

Alpha version release

Alpha version release

I am very hesitant to release this alpha version, the functionalitis are few since I had to rewrite several routine.

In the coming days I will try to improve the movement of "KID" on the x axis then proceed along the y axis (jump, ...)

For who want to try... download here :

not avaible use the setup... look in recent post.

Require Microsoft Dot net 4 download from here :